Thursday, March 24, 2011

Great Leaders are Not Born, They are Made...

What you think about leaders…. ? could you becomesort of it someday?

Absolutely, everybody will become a leader and differentiate is only level of your leadership. Is that poor or great it depend on your action. 

The great leaders are not born but they are made. We already have specialty that given by Allah and could you remember that you a created from the stronger sperm that winner in the race…. This approved that you’re the best and the only action can proved it. Yes, we have a weakness but try to make the weaknesses become your strenght… 

The great leader is just not like superman, Spiderman or even iron man that you watched on movie but it about purity in you heart and how you rule the organization and try hardly to complete the task  …insyallah you will be someone and somebody…..

biG sMilE.. ^^

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