Sunday, February 6, 2011

iF I coUld RulE thE wORld..

If I could rule the world, I would get all nations to get along and would try me best to make the world become peaceful places and get rid of war because it useless and painful. There a lot cases of fatal injury and lost of their family when war was taken places.

Say good bye to poverty and say hallo to prosperity if I could rule the world. I would changes their life by provide an appropriate shell, school and equip them with employment. Perhaps at the end no more homeless, unemployment and gloomy faces.

  Then, I also would like to create a biggest and amazing theme park that occupied of chocolate factory and imaginary places, water and Extreme Park and etc.

Hopefully, my world only full of shining and happiness faces.

2011 aSpiRation..oUr plAns..

Guys..KoniCHIwa!!!!!! ^_^ 
konichiwa means "hai" in Japanese word .. sorrry..       because to fanatic with comic ^_^                                                  how do you do? wish you all fine and happy with your life.. so.. for today's topic,we would like to shared with you guys about our education aspiration for this year 2011!!


hurmm.. well.. actually for this year aspiration..we  think we need to work hard in our studies..yEAh..we need to worked more harder that ever..hOHoho... well.. there are several plans and backup  plans that running inside our head lately... 

firstly.. we will try really hard to reduce our sleeping time.. and replace it with study time..hopefully we able to do that..yeah!

secondly, we will try really hard to improve our skill in all presentation, or ..most everything.. and
finally.. we decided to get a GOOD RESULTS and aim  to get a DEAN LIST FOR THIS SEMESTER.

for back up plan... hurm well .. actually are same hehehe.. well start on the engine, ready to catch our aspiration!! .. what about your guys? come on.. fine your aspiration now for the better future!! WisH we luck!!  wInKwInK  *_*